*Elsa & Frostie* IN A NUTSHELL: Sweet, outgoing and friendly youngsters (just over a year).
By the time we heard about Elsa and Frostie, it was almost too late. They had come into the shelter on January 13th and were basically on their "last call" when we received an email from Dani, who had been referred to us by Jessica B. Jessica is a networker out in California who Dani works with on helping these dogs. (She also runs the saving urgent shelter pets page on IG.) Jessica told Dani she had worked with us about a year or so ago, said we were "good people" and told Dani to reach out to us about these two precious girls. Dani wrote: "My name is Dani and I network at risk shelter pups in the Antelope Valley area and I am a long time volunteer at community effort animal rescue in LittleRock. So these sweet, beautiful girls are at the Lancaster shelter and they are pending euthanasia any day now ... possibly even tomorrow morning. Their time is up. I'm pretty sure they are owner surrenders ... ."



We reached out to our facebook angel, Kathy J, and she got the ball rolling for us. Before we knew it, we had all our ducks in a row for a pull tomorrow (Friday)! As we waited, more information came in from Rita, who had been to the shelter and met the girls. According to Rita, "These girls are suuuuper sweet dogs. They both are in medical dept because they have URI's." Rita also provided us with a video she had taken of Elsa.

Rita was able to go to the shelter and take Elsa out for some playtime and loving. Unfortunately, when it got to Frostie's turn, she had already developed a URI and was not able to be taken out for socializing.

Rita is in love with Elsa!

UPDATE 2/21: Chuck and Jon were at the shelter bright and early this morning to pick up the girls.

On our way to freedom!

They will be enjoying the hospitality of Husky Camp (and being treated for their URIs) until we have room and can transport them to Arizona. We are hoping to have them here by early March.

UPDATE 2/28: Thanks to Chuck and Jon at Husky Camp, Elsa and Frostie have arrived safe and sound in Phoenix!



UPDATE 3/13: Frostie saw our vet today for her medical exam and spay surgery. She came through the surgery just fine and will be recuperating at the home of one of our staff members for the next couple of weeks. The vet did confirm her (and her sister's) age at 12 months. We'll try and get some new photos of the girls once things dry up from all the rain we've been having.

Adoption fee $395.00/each.

If you are interested in Elsa or Frostie, please fill out our PROSPECTIVE ADOPTER'S QUESTIONNAIRE. You will be contacted by return email. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours, please Email Nancy at WhiteGSDRescue@AOL.com. This questionnaire link is only for Elsa and Frostie or other white German Shepherds on our site. WE WILL NOT CONTACT YOU until a questionnaire has been completed.